Pro Spring Integration 9781430233473 Computer Science Books

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Pro Spring Integration 9781430233473 Computer Science Books
System integration is common problem in today's enterprises. It's great that we have now out of the box solution from Spring guys and it's even better that Spring Integration is being actively developed, improved and has competitive documentation and publications. Let me tell you that this book was an excellent choice. It reminds me "Spring Recipes", which is a great book for the core Spring platform. These two books have in common, that they cover an extensive list of technologies in reasonable size with reasonable problem-solution oriented approach.Pro Spring Integration will guide you through the world of enterprise application integration and demonstrate common integration uses cases using Spring Integration. You will learn about core EAI patterns (messaging, various channels, various endpoints and adapters, transformers, enrichers, mappers and much more) and how to use this with common technologies like JMX, databases, JMS, web services, flex, email, spring batch and so on. Book demonstrates this in complete, readable examples with good formatting. Nice plus is usage of Java configuration on many places (instead of XML config).
It is not a book that you have to read cover-to-cover, but is a book that will help you start using Spring Integration quickly and effectively and you will refer back to it when needed.
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Tags : Pro Spring Integration: 9781430233473: Computer Science Books @,Josh Long, Dr Mark Lui, Mario Gray,Pro Spring Integration,Apress,1430233478,Computers Computer Science
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Pro Spring Integration 9781430233473 Computer Science Books Reviews
On time. As expected. Good job. Many stars and smiling faces.
This book is really just a terrible coverage of the subject. For the most part it is just the documentation regurgitated in really poor English. Sadly they have to explain core Spring to you so it takes over 150 pages before it begins to delve into spring integration. I normally don't complain about poor English, but this book is so bad it actually makes parts hard to follow. The text and examples are all just garbled together for pages.
For example the section Queue Channel starts on page 181 and ends on page 192. No sub sections, no logical cohesive way to present the information, but just one long dump of sample code mixed with text. And mixed in this section is the definition of the Message interface.
The formatting also stinks. The formatting of the code examples is so close to the text there is no easy to way to discern the end of the example and the beginning of the text.
Do yourself a favor. Read the documentation and download the samples that Spring provides and stay far away from this terrible book.
Let's be honest Most tech books aren't gripping reads. I think that's something we're all used to. Pro Spring Integration takes that issue to the next level, though, and that's very unfortunate. The information on Spring Integration the book provides, whether you've read the framework's excellent documentation or not, is top notch. They not only cover all the features of Spring Integration 2.0.1, they also touch on some additional frameworks you might use to enhance or augment its feature set. Their overview of the Spring Framework itself is one of the more useful, thoughtful ones I've seen in any of the books I've read, and their coverage of the new SpEL (Spring Expression Language) added in Spring 3.0 was most welcome. I've actually learned about several Spring and Spring Integration features that have substantially simplified a complex Spring-based application I work on at my day job, and that is a good testament to the value of this book.
That makes it all the more unfortunate that the writing and editing of the book make it so much less accessible than it could be. The writing is heavy, wordy--it feels like reading a Ph.D. thesis rather than a more informal tech book. Many concepts are discussed repeatedly, reiterated a dozen times. In all, I'd say this book is probably a solid hundred pages longer than it actually needs to be. An extra hundred pages filled, like the rest of the book, with misspelled words and grammatical errors. (Note When I graduated high school, my mother didn't read my yearbook; she spellchecked it, cover to cover. Those sorts of errors are particularly distracting to me--your mileage may vary on how much of an issue they are.)
While the majority of the examples in the book are both correct and comprehensible, an important combination, there are a few that show the effects of edits and refactoring, where the authors have gone back and modified the sample a little to try and illustrate more or different concepts. Those effects are expressed either in the form of discussion text around the example that no longer matches the code being shown, or example code that doesn't compile or run. However, with most examples that have those issues there is another example in the same section that fills in the gaps and would have made the earlier sample compile and run correctly if they had been merged. Between them, you're able to see all the pieces.
The samples in this book are unique, compared with other books I've read, in that they all use a combination of Spring component scanning and autowiring, JavaConfig and XML-based configuration. This showcases a lot of the flexibility you have, as a Spring user, in wiring up your applications. It also makes some of the simpler examples noticeably more complicated than they needed to be. They're harder to follow since it's more difficult to tell where any given piece is coming from. That's a reality in modern applications, though, and something that many developers are actually coping with day-to-day. As a result, I view the samples as a point in this book's favor.
All in all, I would not recommend this book as one you would buy and read through. If you're using Spring Integration, or thinking about using it and wondering what benefits it has to offer, though, I would definitely recommend this book as a cookbook, or a reference manual when you'd like a more thorough explanation of a Spring Integration feature you're using, or thinking about using.
System integration is common problem in today's enterprises. It's great that we have now out of the box solution from Spring guys and it's even better that Spring Integration is being actively developed, improved and has competitive documentation and publications. Let me tell you that this book was an excellent choice. It reminds me "Spring Recipes", which is a great book for the core Spring platform. These two books have in common, that they cover an extensive list of technologies in reasonable size with reasonable problem-solution oriented approach.
Pro Spring Integration will guide you through the world of enterprise application integration and demonstrate common integration uses cases using Spring Integration. You will learn about core EAI patterns (messaging, various channels, various endpoints and adapters, transformers, enrichers, mappers and much more) and how to use this with common technologies like JMX, databases, JMS, web services, flex, email, spring batch and so on. Book demonstrates this in complete, readable examples with good formatting. Nice plus is usage of Java configuration on many places (instead of XML config).
It is not a book that you have to read cover-to-cover, but is a book that will help you start using Spring Integration quickly and effectively and you will refer back to it when needed.

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